Thursday, April 7, 2011

sea of light

Today I woke up and ate spinach salad for breakfast. It was the only thing I could stumble through making without my morning coffee. I had been awake for the full two days prior working hard to catch up. Sleep is something I'd like a little more of but my body just won't let me sometimes. I used to think insomnia was a joke...I get it now.
 I distinctly remember having a weird dream about eating mushrooms with milk poured on them like cereal. You're supposed to eat weird stuff and have weird dreams. I had a weird dream and ate weird stuff. I have been dreaming a lot of weird stuff when I do sleep. In fact, the other morning I woke up and started narrating a novel to Charley that had happens in my sleep. I dreamed I was at least 8 different characters and the story had evolved with a good value of drama and mystery. I was overjoyed at such a wonderful dream when I first woke up and then slowly realized that it wasn't as cool in real life and made a little less sense outside of my dreamland. 

 I shot a rehearsal dinner at Hudsons Barbeque with a relaxed and wonderful group of people. I'm headed to shoot a wedding tomorrow in Charleston and looking forward to shooting such  a fun family in gorgeous weather. Charley has been working on their wedding cake all last night. I'll post some pictures of that later...but for now our kitchen is complete with messy sticky counters. When I finished the rehearsal, I was loading my gear in the parking lot and kept looking at the lights on the cars. They looked so much like the seashore at night. I had already packed my camera away but took the trouble to pull it out and screw the 85mm back on (siigh I'm so lazy). 

Another grand event of the day was giving juneau her first soccer ball. She ate the leather off of it in five minutes. Not good. 

This post really isn't very coherent...but then again neither am I.

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