I am tired both from lack of sleep and the bare minimum of things my little brain can keep track of before they pile up into "overwhelming" status. I've been working so much and yet seemingly finish nothing. So Monday night when my husband came home with an escape plan, I ditched work, canceled on half a zillion people and took the opportunity for rest. Saluda's needed someone to attend the IGF food show in Charleston and the executive chef couldn't make it, leaving Charley with a task and a free hotel. IGF is a huge food distributer and they go all out on presentation. This year was spiced up with a hollywood movie theme and held in the large Charleston Convention center near Tanger outlets. The goals is to connect vendor to restaurant and allow you to sample the food you are ordering. For me, this means lots of really good free food. For Charley this meant going throughout the booths and putting in Saluda's orders. Needless to say, we still had alot of fun and it was the first time we've gone on a date in a looonngg time due to Charley's 70 hour a week schedule.
Our hotel was very nice and had one of the most comfortable beds I've ever slept in. We got way to little sleep in it after staying out late with our friend Zack. We at dinner at a place called the Glass Onion. It's owned by a hippy man who wears hawaiian shirts and makes whatever he feels like for the day (usually southern). Followed by dessert at our usual place: Kaminsky's. They have the best selection of milkshakes and drinks. People rave about their cakes and cheesecakes, but I'm a bit biased being married to a pastry chef. Charley's are superior. After some Irish Coffee we walked around a bit and stumbled across a gleaming window in the dark. The astonishing holy aura the window gave was none other than amber jars filled with honey lined up in perfect symmetry. I immediately regretted leaving the camera but I tried to pack lightly and for charley's sake enjoy Charleston without taking pictures. It was a good rest for me too, not lugging the "baby" around.
The glowing window was none other than The Savanna Bee Company. It had just opened up within a few days (the dumpster outside has the last remains of construction debris). We took note to come back the next day when it was open. It is a beautiful store, well designed using vintage bee prints, brown papers and earthy colors. They desplay the honey like the lost ark in a temple, except they encourage to touch. No rolling stones or anything. Each honey has a tester of course, so we tried Sourwood, Wildsage, Orangeblossom, Cheese pairing,Winter, and Clover and quite a few other flavors. The Sourwood was my favorite and Charley's so thats what we walked home with.