When your friend is having her first, it’s KINDA a BIG DEAL. We wanted to throw her a really special party, and let’s face it, no one is Martha Stewart over here. However together, I feel like our friend group covers all of the gaps of : organizer, motivator, entertainer, documenter, chef, decorator. (Anne pointed this out, and we all nodded) [(go team, go!)]. We felt pretty blessed to have a friend with such a pretty house to borrow for a little while.
So we gathered,
in celebration of babies, birth and family, and a sweet lady named Rae whom I am grateful to call my friend. (She’s kind of the cutest baby bump I’ve ever seen.) ((she’s also going to be an awesome-socks mamma)
A house full of women is an entirely unique noise, especially one’s cooing over baby shoes. It’s a babbling brook crescendo of soft murmurs and delighted laughter. In that comforting noise, wisdom was passed, encouragement given and a very unified moment in which we all beam because there will be another woman among us soon. She will be tiny and fiercely loved and have quite a few adopted aunts.