Sunday, January 16, 2011

March of the Dimes Dinner Auction

Photos by Sarah Scruggs
 Sometime before Christmas, the hubby and I attended the March of the Dime's evening dinner with a dinner and restaurant auction for charity. We came with Saluda's, charley to cook, and I to take pictures.
 Guests paid for a ticket to the dinner, and were able to sample from tables set up around the room. Restaurants gave sample dishes of various delicacies that in turn helped people decide which packages to bid for. Packages were anywhere from baskets of food, or a 3 course meal in home or in restaurant from the vendors. Saluda's was giving away a dinner party for 4, and recieved a final bid of $1,500! (A higher bid than Terra or Rosso, the other high end restaurants of columbia!). 

My Hubby (the sous) and executive chef Blake Faries prepared a lobster bisque as their handout. While it was limited in it's presentation, it was warm and buttery and hit the spot!

Oh and not to mention some great cocktails :)

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