Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Divo the three pound Chihuahua




It happened again. I was cleaning out the ol hardrive and I came across some pictures that give me the fuzzies. On the college trip to Europe we took several years ago, there was a small group that went on a hardcore hike up farther in the alps. My calves still remember the feeling of ascending those steep passes. Up there, it’s so beautiful that it doesn’t seem real. The air is so clean that you wonder if you’ll be able to breath the other stuff when you come back down. I want to be there Right now.






first glance, new place

You’ll have to forgive me on these pictures, I was far to lazy to play around with the white balance today. That and this house is DARK. They left us three working light bulbs in the whole place so our first task was to go buy light bulbs in bulk. The fixtures only take yellow tinted low wattage bulbs so even with all of them in it’s very 60’s looking. The light from the windows is blocked because of the fence and the overhang.

I love the space we have, but the paint scheme is cringe worthy. I want to paint everything light and bright but it would cost $$ and time. I'm forcing myself to live with it so we can put money into our house one day instead of fixing up someone else's condo. I did paint our bedroom a very light grey because I couldn’t stand being in there so much in the depressing dark.

if you don’t remember, here’s what it looked like before:


and then here it is with our junk:






We are still moving things, tweaking and washing. I’ll put some of the bed and bathrooms later. We didn’t realize how strong the cigarette odor would be until we got into the place. I also didn’t realize how allergic I was to smoke so I was taking Benadryl nonstop our first week here. After washing the walls, floors and cabinets with vinegar and a special soap it’s helped a bit. We also boiled vinegar on the stove for a few hours and kilzed the bedroom before painting. Unfortunately for us, the carpet in the bedrooms is the main root of the problem so it’s the worst in there. Mom brought us a little air filter that we hope will help.  Have you ever cleaned up after cigarette smoke? any tips?

Friday, July 27, 2012

welcome home

We are finally in our new place and we are constantly just exclaiming, “wow, look at space!”. The new layout looks a lot like this cept with my drafting desk in the living room. Can’t wait to share some pictures..but it will have to wait a little while. The three things that we’ve really enjoyed off the bat is it’s convenience to grocery stores and shops. The ample parking and a  kitchen we can finally cook in! Did I mention we even have a normal sized refrigerator?


I got to hang out with my mom yesterday and she got me this pretty green dress. 5

Me likey. I’m guilty as charged for doing the in mirror shot…not classy, I know. Mom was such a huge help in getting our things packed and moved in this nasty heat. Plus she helped find this awesome used book store that’s chock full of clean, well organized rows of happiness.

….promise I’ll come back with a better post next time.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

shudder de shutter

A few months ago I was walking and came across a huge trash pile full of shutters.

A lot were rotten, but there were about 24 perfectly awesome shutters! Naturally I couldn’t resist and brought two home.

I got the “ you took what, out of the trash, home” look… Hense why I only got two. I’m just going to consider my holding back as a personal achievement. If you see me in person, feel free to pat me on the back. I’m sure charley would have sent me straight to the psyche ward  if I really had come home with 24 old shutters.

Anyways, they were black.

I stripped one side on both. One I did a white wash and wiped it unevenly. It’s looking a little purple in the pictures, but it turned out nice and grey. The other I mixed two stains that I had lying around. Both got a few hundred coats of varnish to keep em spiffy.



and what am I going to do with them?

I have several ideas.

1. use it as art

2. add hooks and keep it in the closet for jewelry

3. clip on some wire baskets for towels

4. spice rack?

5. scarf rack?

6. entry way thingy for mail?


Actually I have no idea, and all my ideas sound really corny to myself. Anyone have a great idea?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

a poster

conceived at precisely 2:33am

of an indirect thought

but life motto



it’s watercolor, pen, sharpie and the words were put on in Photoshop.