Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Hello blog, I’ve missed you.

although I’m not sure I have anything to important to say, these past few weeks in summary:

1.  Some glorious days in which there is nothing better to do than lay in the grass and forget your responsibilities. 

2.  Some cozy nights inside while it rained snuggled with the husband watching star trek (woo, Netflix!), who, believe it or not actually has a few days off every now and again.

3. Feeling content at work and enjoying it instead of feeling overwhelmed thanks to finally getting my hearing aids adjusted. Talking on the phone with customers is a 100% easier when you can hear.

4. made several frames and three chalkboards. One large one for the kitchen so my niece can play with something when we eat dinner together. It’s first art was this little pig I drew for Charley (since he really wants one). Then we had a birthday so we furthered the message.


5. hung out with my best friends in my kitchen while it rained eating yummy food and having strawberry water

6. painted a little.

7.  fed newborn puppies that can’t be with their mom and have to eat every two hours

8. Got a surprise Frappuccino from Charley and he picked up the movie at Redbox that I’ve wanted to see for months, Life of Pi.  We also finally watched Argo so I guess we are finally current and hip with the movies. Both big thumbs up.


….and though they may not seem like exciting occurances, I'm all up for life just having a steady rhythm and enjoying the small things.

I am so many light-years ahead of where we were last year. While Charleston was lovely, my heart needed my friends and community. So many prayers answered through change. We have room to settle and grow and be in a peaceful home. We don’t have to share tight quarters with a roommate/hyper dog. We have the luxury of looking into a yard full of green growing things and a happy dog instead of our four foot courtyard and the trash from the upstairs neighbor. Our neighborhood noises are quiet and family oriented. Children laughing or dogs barking instead of the drunk college students or lady yelling at her boyfriend above us. The fact that I can dash over to a friends house or make plans on the fly. My heart feels full and we are blessed indeed.

1 comment:

thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! They make my day....really I click to check for them like I have no life...